the gorods!

the gorods!
Our Family

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Painted Rock Project

Well, Emma Mae is one busy little bee! For the last couple of days she has been asking me to help her gather some rocks for her to paint. She wanted to set up a table at the end of our driveway and try and sell these beautiful rocks she had painted. I thought it was a great idea, although it is reaching 102 degrees outside! After asking her what she was going to do with the money she raised, she informed me that she was going to give me all of the money!?! Apparently, she doesn't think I have any! (This probably comes from the the idea of countless times telling them, "No, Momma does not have any money!" to all their wants and wishes in WalMart!) Well, I thought this was a great opportunity to teach her of God's love for others. After explaining to her that her Daddy worked very hard to make sure we had everything we needed, that there were so many others in this world that were not as fortunate as we were. Maybe she could think of someone or some thing that we could do with part of the money she raised. During our VBS program this summer we learned of a mission project about kids reaching kids. Spreading the light of Jesus Christ to the children on the streets. She decided this was a good place to start.

Well, through proud parents and grandparents, the word spread. In one afternoon she raised over $30.00. She decided to take half of the money raised and put it in her coffee can for "charity" and save the other half in her "wallet" to buy more paint supplies for more painted rocks. And, after taking several commissions for more of Emma's rocks her grandmother dubbed this "The Painted Rock Project". So, here begins Emma's project! We pray that these little rainbow colored rocks will multiply and spread and tell a story of our amazing Savior Jesus Christ and his love for each and everyone of us! Through this little project may He receive all the glory and praise!

If you are interested in helping Emma's project and commissioning one of her painted rocks, please email me at or contact me via Facebook!

Stay posted for more on "The Painted Rock Project" and its mission project!

Thanks and God Bless!